Bus Information
General Bus Information
St. Bernard's is currently serviced by five buses. To view bus routes including all stops, please consult the following link: Parent Bus Portal
Bus routes and stops are determined by district transportation staff. If you have questions or concerns with your stop, please complete the inquiry form found at the following link: Avalon Region Bus Inquiry Form
Courtesy Bus Applications
Please note that students must ride their approved bus. If you would like information on accessing a courtesy seat on a bus, please see the following link: Courtesy Seating Protocol
School Bus Safety
We are asking that parents/guardians please take some time to review school bus behavior expectations and safety guidelines with students. Student expectations are listed below. The bus safety video can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/4tUG0o6a9mg and the Bus Safety Tips Pamphlet can be accessed here: https://www.nlesd.ca/schools/busing/doc/NLESDBusingbrochure2019.pdf